
Let's Ride

11:48 AM Posted by nick mucci No comments
It's crazy really...this ride. I mean that's what life is, right? A ride? A journey? A long walk towards death....wow, that was morbid; need a better one...it's an adventure, yes, that's better. I find myself holding on a lot these days, trying to keep up. (I'm not sure I'm doing a good job of that, really.)

The amount of changes that have happened in the last year, man, the last 7 months really, have left us looking around and wondering what is going on. Mandy and I often laugh at what life looks like right now. Most days we are a tag team, we tag in and out at the house, running to different meetings, running the kids to appointments, playing with the kids at home, doing this or that errand...Nights that we are at home we often look at each other and wonder what is it we are supposed to be doing right now, convinced that this time must have been for something other than catching our breath.

We are enjoying this ride though...sure we wished we could make a few changes, like go on a date that doesn't include running Chance to the dog wash. But we are stoked, God has seen fit to put me right in the middle of doing ministry that is unexpected and full of joy, we are set to move into a home that we were able to tailor make to the way we desire to live, and the kids are constantly giving us reasons to laugh and to pray.

The opportunities we have been given to live out this Kingdom life have come fast and furious and we are holding on throwing up as many Nehemiah prayers as we go along. And then we watch as God continues to give more opportunities and put us in more places to love. I pray we are doing it well. Sometimes I wonder if this is what it should be feeling like...

I mean, shouldn't we be wrapped up in trying to keep up with God. I mean God is moving, constantly, the Spirit blows where it pleases, God is constantly working whether we know it or not, and if I am to be used by God, shouldn't there be seasons where I find myself doing all that I can to keep pace, praying all the way? What say you?

Because, honestly, this is fun, really. I love it, come on, let's ride.