I love my life. I get to enjoy this adventure with my wonderful bride, Mandy, and 3 incredible children, Dominick, Eli and Mia. I have the joy and privilege of participating in the Kingdom of God through world of coaching and sports. There is nothing much greater than helping someone become who they were always intended to be. Whether it is preaching, coaching football, mentoring in group or one-on-one situations; that is when I find myself perfectly living out who I was created to be.

This world would have us go all the time, non-stop, working, serving, running, playing, doing, consuming...exhaustion seems to be a way of life. "Life is busy, crazy, insane..." That has become to normal for so many of us. But I believe our Creator would have us pause, have us take a breath. Not just for the purpose of rest; but for growth, and even more importantly to encounter the divine. To be in that place where the divine and the everyday meet.
Is that what this blog will be...doubtful...but, hopeful

This is a space where I will pause. I will write. Some of you might read. I hope in some way, my pausing might help you to do the same...
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