
just a couple

10:30 PM Posted by nick mucci 1 comment
So much to share. i cannot even begin to share about all the things that have happened, are happening. so for now, here are a couple stories about the boys:

a couple days ago we were sitting in the park having lunch and Dom was noticing that Eli and our friend Jaquintz both had two peaches in their lunches...he only had one. so we looked around, Mandy suggested that he may have dropped it in between where he had picked up his lunch and where we were eating...

Dom: "You know, there's a song about this." and he begins
'I lost my pe-each. i don't know whe-ere it went. Mommy said it could have fallen, so we co-ould look. I don't know where that peach is so i have to eat my cookies....' this went on for about 35-40 seconds and then; he looks at me and pauses, 'Dad, lets just take a moment, this is a long song.'
we could not stop laughing

Then yesterday, Eli was wanting something; I can't really even remember what it was. He asked Mandy for something and she told him no. So, he waits for her to leave the room and then asks me the same thing:
Me: What did Mommy say?
Eli: Stop talking to me Dad. I don't want to talk to you anymore.
