Yesterday we talked a TON of logistics; the how to's of presenting this at clinics and to coaches, the why's of sharing the material and then we went and saw one of our presenter's share with coaches. It was another day of taking furious notes and dreaming and thinking about how we can put this down on paper and create a clear vision for sharing 3D Coaching with coaches across the PIL and the entire Portland Metro!
I think one of the most inspiring things from yesterday was a video that one of our presenters, Wes Simmons, shared with us. This whole deal is set up to take a coach on a journey into becoming a 3 Dimensional Coach, to give them a vision and a plan for their future and how to run their program. At the end of the 3D Journey, the real work begins with the crafting of a transformational purpose statement. Wes had taken a coach on that journey and once they had reached the end, Wes went to this coach's pastor and spoke to him about having a commissioning service. The video showed Wes, the coach, and the coach's pastors praying for him, commissioning him, and then sending him out to coach and live out that transformational purpose statement as a worker of the kingdom.
Visions of coaches commissioning services from across the metro began to flood my mind, I began to think of and dream about coaches who go to coach, knowing they have the support and backing of their family and their church to do what they do in the name of God.
Today we will get into some of the 3rd dimensional materials, and I cannot wait!
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