The other night we had our end of year youth football banquet. I love it, I get to share of the growth in our program, i get to applaud kids who deserve it and thank those who gave so much. I shared a story of a 3rd grader who carried his sister's bookbag around school when she had a hurt arm because, "That's what Roosevelt football players do!" We hand out trophies and then we we hand out what we call a Rider Award. The rider award goes to one player from each team and is chosen by their coaches to determine who they think embodies our three family values (1. Respect your coach 2. Value your teammates 3. Honor your team) and who's attitude was consistently positive.
On this night two of our Rider Award winners missed the banquet. One for family reasons and one because, well, they didn't know it was the banquet. It broke my heart. I received a voicemail from this player's father expressing his frustration (read anger) that they had missed the banquet...again. They missed last year too...same reason. Quite frankly, I understood completely, and was very disappointed they weren't there to celebrate with us.
So I grabbed the player's award and pictures (the dad had ordered a sweet plaque) and I went over to their house to apologize and give them their things.
We chatted for a bit, I apologized that they didn't know and then while I was there, for what ever reason, as I began to hand the player the Rider Award, I was moved to stand and share exactly what their coach had said, as if the player was receiving it in a legit ceremony. And as I shared, holding the medal in front of me, I heard a sniff. I kept talking and then placed the award around the players neck and said, 'You earned it.'

"I'm just so proud. I'm just so proud." The player smiled, a big smile to hear those words come from their dad.
I sat there, silent. Enjoying the moment the two of them were able to share together, in front of no one but me and their lil yipper dog. God gave me an incredible opportunity to witness an awesome love.
I've been in so many talks with people lately about fatherlessness...I've been thinking about the call many coaches could accept to "re-father" some of their players...I've been thinking about my boys who's bio-dad checked out. And as I spent the afternoon with my daughter at football practice, basketball practice and dance practice...i became so thankful for the presence of this particular dad, and the wonderful relationship he has with his Rider.
It won't be a viral video, but it is a moment that will be forever burned into my mind; challenging me to have that same depth of love for my kids and any other kids who cross my path.
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