this is where you all say, hi nick, and then don't judge me cause we are all in this together...right?
i think one of my greatest challenges in leading is that i want people to be happy, i want them to enjoy life, and more than that, i think, i want them to be happy with me. so there are times that i give in to things when i shouldn't. i allow others to make decisions that i disagree with because telling them i disagree or saying no, that's not what we'll do means they might get mad (insert loud gasp here).
it's frustrating. finding the right balance, i have no desire to be a dictator and rule over people, but at the same time there are moments where i have to step up and lead...even if that means making decisions that might upset other people...
this is going to be a long process of changing this I think. my mentor has challenged me to not allow other peoples' feelings to prevent me from making the right decisions on things; especially when those decisions will then impact ALL the other people I'm called to serve.
so, along with the many other areas of my life i'm seeking to grow in, let's add this one, and move it close to the top.
so, that's me, i'm nick and i'm a people pleaser.
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