
Getting there

7:23 PM Posted by nick mucci , , , No comments
so this working out deal.  we've been hitting it for a few weeks now, and i've gotten better at enjoying it, being excited about the whole deal.  this past weekend i was actually frustrated about missing the gym.  i've tried to take a different perspective on the whole getting healthy deal than i have in the past.  typically it has been all about getting into shape, a better shape that the round shape i currently possess.  trying to look better with my shirt off...which quite frankly, will probably never happen...that whole hairy deal.  i'm sorry, was that tmi?

anyway, i've started to look at it this way...this life is a gift.  the breath i breathe, the time i get with my beautiful wife, my wonderful kids, my great neighbors and friends...it is all a gift.  and as such, it is something i need to treasure and enjoy every moment of...

...which will be hard to do, if i'm not here.

look, i'd gotten real unhealthy.  i couldn't walk up a flight of steps without breathing heavy, leaning over and holding my knees.  that's a problem.  this gift i had needed to be stewarded, needed to be cared for...and it was time i did that and expressed a bit of thankfulness for the gift given to me by the Almighty.  So before i work out, before the class session starts and i'm dripping with sweat, i try to remember to pray this prayer.

"God, you've given me this body and this life to give back to you.  May this next hour in which i will want to keel over and smack that smilely lil instructor in the face, be nothing but worship to you."

ok, so i probably don't say anything about the smilely instructor, but the rest is truth.  i pray that my time in the gym is received as an act of worship, as an expression of thankfulness for the gift I have been given.  literally, take this body and let it be consecrated, Lord, to thee. Amen