I'll admit it. It's hard to believe. After a Master's Program in which I would be required to read about 10 books on average in a four month spans...I don't get to read much anymore. It frustrates me. I have multiple books I've started, I've set things aside so I could start to read them...and now, now the bookmarks mock me as they stick out of the books only a third of the way through them. My Dad always had multiple books he was reading...but his bookmarks actually went on a journey through the books...mine have settled, built homes and are talking about baby bookmarks on the way. It's ridiculous. I've always been amazed at his ability to read so many books at one time, all with 3 kids who were involved in all kinds of after school activities. I'm going to get there...in fact, I'm going to do that right now.
I just wrapped up some things that needed done, I'm at a place where I can call it a night and pick up one of those books. I do a quick clock check, see it's after midnight and the bookmarks begin to laugh at me. "Nighty-Night," they say. Grrr, bookmarks, I shake my fist at you. I blow my nose at you. I fart in your general direction...all while I pass you on my way to bed.
photo by nkzs |
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