Maybe it's because I've seen relationships hit dangerous lows because of pornography.
Maybe it's because I've been near many a single mom left alone searching for encouragement and validation.
I desperately pray we teach these young men to respect, cherish and have a proper view of women.
Men and young men, the way we treat and talk to the women in our lives should always be infused with the truth that they are made in the Image of God, just as we are. The words 'chick' or 'b!tch' describes more of your lack of maturity than the type of women in our lives. Our actions should always uplift, cherish and serve the women in our lives.
It says that God created them in His image, 'male AND female.' We need to start acting like it. We need to treat our women with respect and love. They are not objects to be possessed but people who can sharpen and encourage us. Imagine how our communities would look different if we(men) treated women different, if we didn't sexualize them, de-person-ize them. Imagine if we instead cherished and uplifted, encouraged and applauded them. I couldn't even do an image search on-line with the word 'woman' to add a picture to this post because of what would probably come up.
I pray my sons grow up and know how to treat a woman. That might be my greatest failure as a Dad if they don't.
That's my rant, and I'm sticking to it...but, what's your thoughts? No, really, I want to know...
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