so please, PLEASE, PLEASE someone explain what this bonehead was doing?! Jemele is right. why bar hopping in a college town was seen as an ok, smart, fine thing to do is beyond me. i get it, that's what young single rich guys do...i guess...but when you are 6' 5", 241lbs and play quarterback for probably the most well known and loved NFL franchise (call me biased, i don't care, find me a city w/o a Steelers bar and then we can talk); blending in, hiding out won't be an option. i bleed black and gold, always will...but Big're a bonehead
so please, PLEASE, PLEASE someone explain what this bonehead was doing?! Jemele is right. why bar hopping in a college town was seen as an ok, smart, fine thing to do is beyond me. i get it, that's what young single rich guys do...i guess...but when you are 6' 5", 241lbs and play quarterback for probably the most well known and loved NFL franchise (call me biased, i don't care, find me a city w/o a Steelers bar and then we can talk); blending in, hiding out won't be an option. i bleed black and gold, always will...but Big're a bonehead
We saw that on the news and instantly thought of you... agreed, bonehead move.
As a fellow Steelers fan... I must agree. Bonehead. And like he needs to be more of a distraction to his team. I'm hereby recommending that he hire you Nick as his "What to do tonight consultant." I figure it would pay well and only require that you answer the phone once a day, have Big Ben lay out the options for that night's activities and then allow you to decide. Somebody's gotta do it, clearly. Why not you? Are you available?
yeah man, i'm available...gotta pay better than my maintenance gig...i can be his Tony Dungy
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