its been great these last few weeks that in the midst of all of this stuff...there has been a Peace that has allowed me to continue walking, to continue moving forward. there is a Peace that allows me to sit back, look at everything and say, 'welcome to life. nothing to worry about here.' when do you think we received the illusion that life should be easy...that when things happen that are hard we should immediately take the victim stance and say, 'this isn't going to keep me down.' or 'whyyyyyyyyyy meeeeeee????' why not say, yup, this stuff will come, its a part of life, let keep moving forward....bring it on
my bed is calling, so this rant has ended, good night, and may the God of all creation provide peace in the midst of chaos, hope in the midst of the desert, and love in the midst of struggle. good night.
yes,yes... i am slowing learning this....this is life. its all mixed together full of many questions and its good. your picture made my eyes fill with tears. so excited your life includes two incredible young men.
"Bring it on"...these were the exact words we found ourselves using over and over again in the midst of the storms of life while we were in Kenya nearly 3 years ago. We felt as thought satan was using life's trials to try and get a foothold on our life and circumstances. But, when we finally gave up and responded with the knowledge that God is WAY better than satan, and has already won the battle, we just shouted, "BRING IT ON!!" I'll never forget it...
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