
the boys

8:31 AM Posted by nick mucci , No comments
so its been a few weeks, so i thought i'd share a bit about life and what i'm thinking about...

first, these boys are ridiculous...dom has started asking the 'why' question, although not always at times that make sense...'dom, would you like some fish crackers?' 'why?'.  he also continues to find ways to tell me he doesn't want me to leave for work....i'm so glad he wants me around; makes me assume I'm doing something right...

eli richard is hilarious!!  he comes up with new looks all the time, doing anything to make us laugh...he also copies us as the craziest times.  whenever mandy or i get frustrated and grunt...he grunts, even if we are frustrated with him; talk about disarming...if we say something in a funny voice, he'll say that same thing in an attempt to copy the voice...he's even begun to find ways to copy dom...which aggravates dom sometimes.  and they both like to copy Swiper the fox...'ah, man'  eli richard has also started this thing with me before bed.  we read books and as we lay on the couch before we head in, he says, 'daddy, kiss?'.  he gives me a kiss then backs up and kisses me on the nose.  ahh...i love these two...

God is continuing to prune me.  it hurts.  not a day goes by where i am not reminded of my need for the cross, for Christ.  i'm thankful for it.  i dont ever want to portray and have the idea that i'm 'farther forward' on this journey of discipleship...and i don't ever want to think that my position has anything to do with my own strength and ability.  i found myself singing And Can It Be at work this week...my dad's fav...and i still can not sing 'my chains fell off, my heart was free' without being overcome with a deep sense of gratitude and desire to give back this gift i've been given.  which inevitably leads to a challenge to be on mission more.  we've been in the second half of 2 Cor 5 as a community and i cannot tell you how much i have been challenged by Paul's ministry of reconciliation, what that means for his relationship with the Corinthians and what that means for myself and our community within the community we have been placed...

...that's about it...3 weeks and one day til the greatest day of the year...